Counselling Help

What Finding Peace Means

Peace is often associated with balance, decluttering, meditation and more. If you have been cleaning out your room, participating in meditative retreats, ordering acai bowls more than usual, you may be trying to obtain some form of peace in your life. Your therapist...

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Forgive and Find Peace

It’s often easier said than done. Forgiving that person who has done you wrong (and is perhaps still continuing to do so) sounds like something that may end those sleepless nights and moody days - so why can’t some of us do it all the time? In fact, why should we?...

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Dealing with Stonewalling

Dealing with a person who starts stonewalling can be frustrating. You try to engage with the person in a conversation but the person gives short answers that may not make sense to you or appears to be uninterested. The person is physically but not mentally present....

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Silent Treatment

Silence is not always golden - at least not when you cannot read someone’s mind. You are, however, expected to be able to perform telepathy in order to know what the other person wants even though they are not saying a single word. You attempt to ask the person what...

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You just want to be left alone. You want the person yelling or nagging at you to stop doing so. The topics seem to be recycling themselves and going on some form of rotation in an order established on its own. You are told what you have not done or have not been...

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Benefits of Counselling in Making Decisions

How long do you take to make a decision? What kind of outcome are you expecting as an effect of your decision? An article1 from the Harvard Business Review defines a decision as “great” through a few key points such as: Getting various opinions from people who can...

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You Can Be Kind To Yourself

You have no qualms about buying a meal for others, or accompanying them to places of interest. You tell them everything will be ok when they panic or get anxious. You also remind them to take deep breaths and focus on their needs at that moment. People tell you that...

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Mending a Broken Heart

Betrayal. Disbelief. Distrust. A broken heart learns all these and more. The broken heart also recognises or confirms these as it attempts to pick up the shattered pieces - or leave them altogether and attempts to rebuild itself from scratch as it goes on a healing...

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Regulating Emotions

Emotions was somehow, and sometimes still is, a dirty word. Some people think it is “un-macho” to associate themselves with emotions because they feel it makes them look weak and vulnerable. Surely then, the measurement of a person’s “macho-ness” has to include the...

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Developing Awareness of Self

It’s a privilege to know yourself well. So much so that Viktor E. Frankl1 urges us to go on a lifelong journey in the discovery of ourselves. Brené Brown2 helps us to make sense and peace with our pasts; Dale Carnegie3 dedicates his life to sharing with us tips on how...

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