Replica Guns are a Controlled Item in Singapore

Replica Guns are a Controlled Item in Singapore

If you are a collector of replica guns, keep in mind that they are still controlled items – this is the case whether or not they are in working condition.

On the 3rd of August this year, a former construction worker was taken to court for his alleged involvement in a robbery attempt with a black “gun-like” object outside Boon Lay MRT station. This is just one example of how these replicas can create fear and control.

IRB lawyer, Ashwin Ganapathy told The Straits Times that “Airsoft guns are regulated mainly for the potential harm it can cause. The law is geared towards preventing the commission of offences using this kind of items, such as robberies.”

“Furthermore in the past, such guns were sold off the shelf everywhere. But the authorities probably realised its potential for harm. If it lands in the hands of a child, it can cause hurt to himself or someone else.” [Straits Times Source]

This includes even Water BB (WBB) guns.

“WBB guns can be very dangerous too, if it is modified to shoot faster and with more force. If it hits a vulnerable part of the human body, such as The Eye, one can only imagine the devastation it can cause,” said Ashwin.

Replica guns are a controlled item. Every gun or replica gun must be declared to the authorities and a licence applied for. If you do not have the permit of the Police Licensing Department, you will be in breach of various legislative acts.

The following is an inexhaustible list of gun types which require police licensing:


A firearm is a weapon that launches one, or many, projectile(s) at high velocity through confined burning of a propellant


An airgun is a rifle or pistol that fires projectiles by means of compressed air.

Airsoft gun (commonly BB guns)

Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propelled plastic pellets (also known as BBs) by way of compressed gas, electric motors, or spring-driven pistons

Spear Gun

An underwater fishing implement

Tasers and Stun Guns

A weapon used to incapacitate persons through the administering of electric shock

Toy or replica guns

Includes all types of toys and props

Pepper spray

Whilst not actually a gun, it can still fire a chemical agent used to irritate the eyes to cause tears, pain and even temporary blindness. Although popular in other countries, this is a controlled item in Singapore.

What about those old, replica guns that you see at antique shops?

Those do not come under the law. Non-serviceable antique musket guns, those that are designed and manufactured at the beginning of the 20th century and collected because of historical interest do not require such licences.

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